
Getting to the Root Cause

My husband and I have had several occasions over the years, as I’m sure you have, where one of our cars has suddenly broken down and needed to be fixed.

Well, what’s the first thing you do in a situation like this?

That’s right…

You have to figure out what’s wrong with your car, and how you’re going to get it working once again! 

If you don’t, the only other options are…

  1. Do nothing and be without a car, or…
  2. Start replacing one part at a time until you find the thing that makes your car go.

And neither one of those are very good options.

I found myself in a similar situation with my health back in 1991. 

After our second son was born, I began feeling sick and exhausted. I felt so awful that it was hard to carry on with the daily demands of being a mom. So, I had to do something to fix myself.

But unfortunately, after going from doctor to doctor, no one was able to figure out what was wrong with me. 

I even had my gallbladder removed, only to be extremely disappointed 2 weeks post-surgery when I experienced the same gallbladder attack pain I had prior to having that body part removed. 

I’d gotten nowhere. What in the world was I going to do now?

Fast forward 22 years where I FINALLY got answers.

But before I dive into that, let me just say…

It was during those 22 years of waiting for a diagnosis that I discovered a ton about what I could do to take better care of myself in order to function well, even though I was suffering from a chronic illness. And these things have served me incredibly well for the long haul. But we’ll save that topic of discussion for another time.

Back to that wonderful day when I finally got the answers I’d searched to find for so long…

It all started with a natural holistic dentist I went to in 2013 with intentions of having him remove all of my old silver fillings, as I felt this was maybe the cause of all my health issues.

But before he’d even consider thinking about removing the metal in my mouth, he insisted that I see an integrative physician he worked with. The dentist said if my body wasn’t ready for that type of procedure, we could end up causing additional and quite serious problems for my body.

So in order to avoid causing new issues, I made an appointment with the recommended physician. 

I will forever be grateful to this integrative doctor who finally got to the root of my chronic health issues…

He found that I had an autoimmune disorder, parasites, chronic Lyme Disease, heavy metal toxicity, and my body was completely wiped out of every single vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and hormone. 

Getting to the right doctor who approached my body as a whole… considering all the different systems and how they were working together, plus my lifestyle… made all the difference in the world for me. 

I finally had a diagnosis and now we could effectively treat those things that he discovered.

Before seeing this doctor, it was unknown what was wrong with me… making it impossible to know how to fix it.

The good news – I found complete healing from all of the above things!

If you find yourself in a similar situation where you’re unsure of what’s wrong with you, but are suffering from health problems…

I highly recommend you find a good integrative physician who will be able to get to the bottom of what’s going on. 

For it’s when you know what’s wrong with you that you are in a much better position to do something about it.

And putting your energy into actually fixing the problem, rather than constantly trying to figure it out yourself – is a much wiser way to go.

So just as you wouldn’t keep trying one thing after another on your broken-down car without knowing what the problem really is, so too with your body. Get the answers you need, so you know the best approach to take for getting yourself well.

To find a good doctor in your area, search for integrative physician near me, functional medicine doctor near me (or go here), or do a search for natural medicine doctor near me. 

But make it a priority to get a correct diagnosis. For it’s then that you’ll know what to do to make things better, so you can start feeling like yourself once again. 

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